10 Hallmarks Of A Leader Of Leaders: Part Two

Brian Houston

Some leaders attract followers – others attract leaders. And still others have the uncanny ability to turn followers INTO leaders. So, what kind of leader are you? Test yourself with this list of qualities that I consider to be signs that you are a ‘Leader of Leaders.’


#4 Leaders are ENVIOUS of your ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Perhaps we all define success differently, but your accomplishments are not something to be ashamed of. Only insecure or mean- spirited people are critical of genuine God-breathed success.  Not all envy is evil. In fact, the Amplified bible translates ‘blessed’ as ‘happy, fortunate, and to be envied.’ This is not the type of envy or jealousy that eats people up on the inside; but a righteous envy that inspires others toward greater heights, and compels them to live their own lives of significance.

#5 Leaders are ASTOUNDED by your OPENNESS.

If you are a leader of leaders, then you are not ‘guarded’ but have a healthy mix of wisdom about when to speak and when to hold your peace. You avoid the gossip train and don’t try to prove your leadership by having to know everything about everyone. You have nothing to hide and your authenticity makes you easy to follow. You are a locked vault when it comes to confidentiality, but an open book when it comes to accountability and transparency. Other leaders can follow someone who is genuine, unguarded and at times can even laugh at themselves. Such leaders are not ‘precious’ and over sensitive. People do not have to tip toe around you, and you are more likely to put a room at ease than to stiffen everybody up. You often lead with your smile and are quick to show gratitude to those who serve.

#6 Leaders are WARMED by your HUMILITY.

As a leader of leaders you are not filled with your own importance and your feet are still firmly placed on the ground. You have a quiet confidence that emanates a well-rounded security; yet you are self-effacing and aware of your own humanity. You have time for people.  And though you have clearly matured, are more seasoned and perhaps your time is now in higher demand – to those who have known you a long time you are still the person they always knew. When people meet you in a cafe or on the street, they are impressed with just how down-to-earth you are.  You are consistently and quietly generous and polite to waiters, or those who serve you in the gas station and supermarket. Other leaders will follow ‘real-deal, genuinely humble leaders’ quicker than a know-it-all who is filled with their own importance. Prominent people need to be wise about security, but bodyguards or an entourage is never as impressive as a highly successful leader who simply carries themself with genuine confidence, humility and authenticity.

#7 Leaders are SECURE about your MOTIVES.

It is appealing to others that your commitment to them goes beyond building your own world, and that you are genuinely committed to enhancing their world. You encourage others to dream big dreams, and your interest is clearly not for the sake of ‘building empires’. While you may be fiercely committed to your own God-given vision, and clearly intentional in your own call, your commitment to other leaders is unselfish and unfettered by personal motive or agenda. Many may want to join your network, come under your umbrella or lean into your leadership and vision – but they can sense that your interest in them goes far beyond yourself.


Brian Houston is the Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, a global family of congregations comprising more than 100,000 weekly attendees. Considered by many as a leading voice in the shaping of contemporary leadership values and church culture; Brian is highly regarded for his bold innovation and passion for the local church. He will be speaking at Catalyst Atlanta Oct. 5-7, 2016. Find out more at http://catalystconference.com/atlanta/

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