5 Things to Pray for People in Power
Jared Brock
As the National Day of Prayer approaches, I’ve been thinking about how many positions of power exist in our world: City councilors, mayors, state senators, congressmen, the executive and legal branches, military commanders, and the United Nations, to name a few.
Solid leadership is needed in governments around the world - now more than ever - and Christians can impact the world by interceding for leaders at every level.
Here are five things you can pray for people in power.
1. Steadfast Vision
A leader’s feet must be firmly planted on the foundations of equality and justice. Pray that leaders will ignore the party line and focus on the needs of the people.
2. Incorruptible Integrity
Corruption threatens democracy at every turn. Billions of hard-earned dollars are siphoned off by those of compromised character. Small groups control a hugely disproportionate amount of the wealth and power. Pray that our leaders with be above reproach, not bowing to lobbyists and the super PACs who get them elected.
3. Authentic Humility
Leadership is servanthood with influence - but it’s easy to get prideful when there’s always a camera in your face. Pray that people in the spotlight will humble themselves and realize their great need for a power higher than themselves.
4. Holistic Perspective
Most political leaders miss the big picture. Rather than focus on the long-term flourishing of their people, they concern themselves with increasing their wealth, gaining glory, and getting re-elected. Pray that with every bill proposed, elected officials will ask “Is this right?” and “Is this for the good of the people?”
5. Cast Iron Resolution
The ancient Greeks practiced a curious method for warding off tyranny. Each year, the voters would decide if a politician had become too powerful. Whoever “won” was exiled for a period of 10 years, effectively ending their political career. The true test of a leader lies not in how he gains power, but in how he lets go of it. Today we have dictators who take control for life, and elected senators and congressmen who have been in power for over 40 years. Pray that leaders will resolve to serve and retire - that they’ll care more about doing good than seeking re-election.
Bonus Prayer: Real Leadership
People with positions of power aren’t necessarily leaders, and that can be incredibly dangerous - to themselves, and to those they lead. Pray that God would raise up great leaders who will selflessly serve instead of selfishly control.
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