Catalyst Atlanta Daily Re-Cap Day 2


Walk in the confidence of being KNOWN by your Maker. It is the only way to fully, effectively lead.

Thirteen thousand leaders filtered into the Gwinnett Arena again today to learn what it means to leave a legacy—a legacy that is known. Today’s sessions ushered listeners into a deeper understanding of what it means to fully trust that God has made him or her to embrace a unique calling.

Reggie Joiner, Founder and CEO of Orange and Author of Think Orange, walked the Catalyst audience through the reality that each of our legacies lies in the hands of those who know us today. Legacy, unlike inheritance, is not left to those we lead; it is left inside of them.

Priscilla Shirer, Founder of Going Beyond Ministries and Author of Discerning the Voice of God, followed Joiner and shared the illustration of a father and a stubborn child. She pointed out that as leaders who may struggle with impatience, we often forget that God does not become irritable with our growing pains. His patience is perfect, as Paul notes in 1 Timothy 1:16.

The second session of the day was full of surprises as special guest, Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty, led the audience in the “Seventh Session Stretch,” as well as a Q&A about his new book, Si-cology 1: Tales and Wisdom from Duck Dynasty's Favorite Uncle. Dave Ramsey and his daughter, Rachel Cruze, imparted another set of wisdom for equipping the next generation from their personal experiences. The father-daughter team shared that proper management and leadership is only fulfilled through good stewardship of resources and positive community influencers in the lives of the next generation.

After the lunch break, where the crowd enjoyed a dance party and a few games of corn hole on the lawn, a powerful worship set prepared hearts for an afternoon of embracing more sweet and simple truths. Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ, and one of TIME Magazine’s 2012 Most Influential People, spoke via video about the importance of pursuing purpose with courage, passion and loyalty. He reminded leaders that, “You cannot have great breakthrough without great challenge.”

Jud Wilhite followed with a simple message: Love your calling. Love the God who called you. Citing the story of Hosea and his rebellious bride, Wilhite challenged the room not to forfeit their callings and to love the Church even when it is messy. Ready for more, the arena welcomed Andy Stanley on stage to close Catalyst Atlanta. Stanley left the room full of leaders with the simple message of Leadership 101, reminding them of the importance of vision, focus and integrity. He maintained that in order to have a focused impact on the lives of those we lead, we must know the answers to the following questions:

  • What are we doing?
  • Why are we doing it?
  • Where do I fit in?

Today at Catalyst, we were again challenged to go deeper into what it means to truly be known by God. We learned why we need to leave a legacy and were given practical insight into how we can make that sure that happens. We were challenged to lead with confidence and to walk out of the arena with a fire in our hearts that can only be satisfied and maintained through a confident identity in the One who gave us our callings—in the one who made us to represent His likeness throughout the earth and in all we do.

Thanks for joining us for Catalyst Atlanta this week. We hope to see you all again next year!

Huge thanks to our friends from See Spark Go for the incredible coverage of Catalyst this year.

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