Catalyst Atlanta Speaker Spotlight // Christine Caine
We are so excited about Catalyst Atlanta 2012. If you haven't entered for a chance to win new kicks or a dream vacation do so NOW! You also get 35+ songs as a FREE download gift from us & a few of our favorite musical artist friends.
Continuing through to October we will be featuring a different speaker answering some questions about the MAKING of a leader. We are really pumped for YOU to get to know these leaders on a deeper level & have them answer some tough [and some fun] questions about leadership. We had such a great response from our speakers we are excited to be able to share two speaker spotlights with you each week, on Tuesday & Thursday.
A sought after speaker around the world, Christine Caine is passionate about reaching the lost, influencing emerging cultures, inspiring change, strengthening leadership and building the local church. Together with her husband Nick, she is part of the leadership team at Hillsong Church in Sydney Australia, and a director of Equip & Empower Ministries. She lives her life to the fullest as a wife, teacher, preacher, author and mother of two beautiful daughters, Catherine and Sophia. The A21 Campaign stands for abolishing Injustice in the 21st century. Anyone can join. Everyone can make a difference. To find out more information about The A21 Campaign, check out the A21 FAQ page. Reading the descriptions of the 21 Ways to Help will help you find an action step that feels right for you. Once you've committed to it, tell others! Whether on Twitter or Facebook, at work or school, don't underestimate your influence.
1. Who is someone that inspires you today to be a better leader?
My own senior pastor Brian Houston is one of my greatest leadership heroes who inspires, stirs and motivates me to keep reaching higher
2. Looking back at the past 10 years what are some of your biggest mistakes that you learned from that you would share with others to not repeat the same thing?
One of the biggest leadership mistakes I have made is that at times I have seemed to care about someones destiny more than they actually have. I have tried to do for them what only they can ultimately do for themselves. I have tried to rescue and intervene when they were not ready .
It comes from a passionate desire to see people fulfill their God given destiny and a firm belief that we are all created for greatness. I have learned that I cannot do for people what God himself will not do
3. What is one mistake you witness leaders making more frequently than others? What are the steps to avoid this mistake?
I often see leaders either not delegate enough to others, or conversely, delegate to the point of abdicating their responsibility and accountability for the outcome of a project. I think it is very important to find the delicate balance between the two if we are to be effective leaders
4. What is one thing about you that "MAKES" you unique, that the Catalyst community probably doesn't know, but should?
that's a hard one ... Perhaps one thing that makes me unique is that I am Greek Australian and a woman
Passionate about winning the lost, bringing justice and helping the poor. Not either or but AND. I love the breadth and diversity of the church and love to focus a whole lot more on our commonalities than our differences.... I really believe that together we can get the job done....ummm that is definitely more than one!
5. How would you describe yourself as a leader?
Passionate. Focused. Committed. Resilient. Compassionate.
6. What are 3-4 keys in the "Making" of a Leader? As you look at the process for yourself of how you've been made into the leader you are now, what stands out?
I think when it comes to being the leader God has called you to be you must:-
Understand it is a lifelong process
Understand there are no shortcuts
Understand it is more than a position or title
Understand that we are not leaders who serve but servants who lead
Understand it is about helping others to fulfill their destiny
Understand that it is a sacrifice
Understand that it is a privilage not an entitlement
7. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Make a decision that you are unoffendable. Don't hang on to offence
8. Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
The Greek - because I love to periodically break out into Greek dancing, eating and singing
9. What did you want to be when you grew up?
The Prime Minister of Australia
10. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?
Martin Luther King Jr
BONUS- if you had to be a superhero or famous cartoon character, who would you be?
Wonder Woman
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