Catalyst Track: Build a Platform // Day Two

Margaret Feinberg

This week’s track comes from an article written by Margaret Feinberg.

I’m passionate about raising a generation of writers who transform people’s lives with their words. Through the Write Brilliant Academy, I have the privilege of helping men and women who know they’ve been entrusted with a message to step out and fulfill the calling on their lives.

But sooner or later, they all raise the question of how to build a platform without feeling sleazy or self-promotiony.

They know that to move forward in publishing, they’ll need to answer questions about the size of the platform. That means the number of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram followers. The size of their blog traffic and email lists.

How do you build a platform without selling your soul? How do you navigate the online landscape as a follower of Christ?

In this 4-day track, Margaret shares simple and practical truths to help you protect your soul while navigating what can feel like a brutal world when it comes to getting your content out there.

Whether you’re looking to publish your first book, break into the blogosphere, or give your organization more visibility, these truths are applicable and necessary for you! Complete the challenges at the end of each day and start making an impact!



Day 2 – Practice an Abundance Mindset


Several years ago an upcoming writer and speaker asked, “How do you respond to Shauna Niequist since she’s your competition?”

“What?” I asked, stunned.

“You’re both Zondervan authors trying to reach the same market,” she said.

“First, she’s not my competition; she’s my friend,” I said. “And our audiences are people who need Jesus. At last count, I think there are at least 300 million in America. Together, I hope we reach all of them. And you know, it’s a good thing if someone loves Shauna’s books and mine.”

When I sat down to write Flourish, I called Shauna and asked for wisdom. She had released her best-selling, stunning devotional Savor. I asked if she learned any lessons. Shauna said, “Margaret, 365 devotions is a lot! I’d really suggest looking at writing a shorter devotional if you don’t want to feel overwhelmed.”

Because of her wisdom and generosity, I wrote a 52-week devotional with longer meaty entries that wasn’t overwhelming to the reader (or me). I’m so grateful for Shauna. Yet the original question about Shauna has stuck with me, because it’s so easy to slip into a scarcity mindset in Christian writing, speaking, and publishing.

Budgets have limits. Event host select speakers. Publishers pick key titles each season. When you’re tempted by scarcity thinking, look up and all around. Turn to the left or right in your neighborhood and you’ll find someone who needs Jesus.

Who needs your story? Your message? Your encouragement? Focus on the abundance and your life will fill with gratitude.

Side note: One reason I don’t see others as competitors is because I pray for them. I keep a list of speakers and writers who I pray for regularly tucked away. None of them know. But what if you made a prayer list?



  • Think about the scarcity mentalities you may have adopted.

  • How can you focus on the abundance Margaret talks about instead? How has doing so changed your sense of gratitude?


More from this Catalyst Track:

Day One // Day Three // Day Four

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