Catalyst Track: Chazown // Day 1 - Wired for This

Craig Groeschel

This track comes from Craig Groeschel’s book, Chazown.

The word vision comes from the Hebrew word chazown (pronounced khaw-ZONE). Not to be confused with calzones, which is Spanish for underwear.


Where there is no Chazown—no dream, no revelation, no vision, no sense of our created purpose—we perish.

Where there is no vision that you were created to have a growing, life-long, and personal relationship with your Creator, your inner being withers and dies. 

Where there is no vision that you have been placed on earth to matter deeply to other people and reveal God's love and power to them, you live in loneliness, and your relationships perish.

But you and I were made for so much more.

In this 3-day track, Craig invites leaders to start the adventure of not only discovering vision but taking the next steps to see that vision come to life!

Maybe God has given you a vision, but you've stalled. Or maybe you’re seeking God to find out what His vision for you might be. Wherever you are in the process, use this track to take the next step forward. When you complete the reflections/challenges at the end of each day, you’ll be entered in to receive a free copy of Chazown

DAY 1 – Wired for This


I’ll bet your life is busy. Mine is too. For me, raising six children is challenging enough. Add to it the task of leading a large church with multiple campuses, and I often don’t know if I’m coming or going.


My friends ask, “Craig, how do you do it all? Aren’t you afraid you’ll burn out?” What they really mean is, Are you sure you’re not heading for the psych ward? I can say with all honesty that my job and my family are never burdens.


Sometimes I get tired. But I’m nowhere near burnout.
Why? Because this is what God created me to do. I have no doubt about it. I’m wired for this.


This is the vision God put in me. And when God gives you His vision, He also gives you the ability to get it done. When you’re living God’s vision for your life, you spring out of bed with excitement. When someone asks if you like what you do, you shout “I love it!”?


But, Craig, you might ask, will God give me a vision?


Absolutely. I’m certain of it. In fact, the Bible tells us that vision is critical to our very survival:  “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).




Are you either 1) working toward fulfilling a vision God has given you or 2) living & working with a sense of God-given purpose? If not, what do you think is the major factor why you're not? 

More from Chazown Track:

Day Two // Day Three

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