Catalyst Track: Nothing to Prove // Day Two

Jennie Allen

This track comes from Jennie Allen’s new book, Nothing to Prove.

For so many years the voice has been in my head: I am not enough.

 Is it possible you hear that same voice?

We walk around desperately afraid we don’t measure up. We slap on self-esteem strategies that feel a little like playing pretend dress up when we were seven. We think that we are someone grown up and lovely and accomplished, and we want to be someone grown up and lovely and accomplished.

But deep in our marrow, we know it is pretend. We are not enough. So we spend our lives trying to shift that reality.

But what if we have everything backward? What if there was a story where the ones who aren’t enough, the ones who recognize they don’t measure up, are the very ones the God of the universe picks to move wildly in and through?

What if I told you today you could stop trying so hard and simply rest? What if I told you today you could start enjoying yourself and your life without performing or striving for another minute? What if I told you that you don’t measure up? And that it’s okay. In fact, it’s necessary.

In this 3-day track, Jennie helps us explore how we can let go of our own sense of independence and find freedom in the abundant resources of Jesus. By sharing her personal story of brokenness and freedom, she invites us into a richer understanding of what it means to let go and be fruitful in our areas of influence by truly abiding in Christ.   


DAY 2: A Shift in Perspective


Jesus wanted His people, He wanted us, to shift the way we view our lives and to shift our view of the way God moves and works. So He began the feeding of the five thousand with a test. He wanted to expose the limits of the disciples’ faith and then bust through those limits to leave the ones full of doubt holding the leftovers of His extravagant more than enough.

In eternity past God planned, I will make exactly enough food for how many bites every single one of these humans is going to eat, and then I will have exactly twelve baskets full when they’re all done.

Their perspective shifted from what they didn’t have to all that God did have.

God had a message for the disciples as they stood there with the overflowing baskets: With Christ all things are possible.

When you try to solve human problems with human resources in your human strength, there will never be enough. However, if you would like to follow Me and work with Me, I will meet the deepest needs around you and in you and through you with unending resources in supernatural, all-powerful strength.


So what then is holding back God’s Spirit from moving through us in miraculous ways?

More from Jennie Allen:

Episode 404: You Have Nothing to Prove

More from Nothing to Prove Track:

Day One // Day Three

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