Catalyst Track: The Light is Winning // Day Two

This track comes from Zach Hoag’s new book; The Light is Winning.

The apocalypse that has visited Christian faith in America is challenging us to repent and reform without deconstructing ourselves to death (or undeath), without dismantling our faith to annihilation, leaving only a shell.

The necessary suffering that invites us to deconstruct our empire business is not a permanent condition. It is a temporary work meant to bring us into a second-half-of-life faith, into true flourishing.

In this 3-day track, Zach challenges church and organization leaders not to look at a post-Christian culture increasingly as a threat, but rather as a “revealing” – an opportunity to evaluate the way we do things and re-discover the life-giving power of Jesus.

What in your organizational context needs to be deconstructed, changed or made alive again in order to carry the light of Jesus to the world?

Whether you’ve been the unsuccessfully trying to champion change or you’re fearful of change,  take the next couple of days to answer the above questions.


Day 2 – Progressing

As a young adult, even after everything I grew up around, I still wanted a mission, a mission from God, in a real, sincere, abiding way. I couldn’t shake it. But when my own church plant came crashing to an end in late 2012, I was sure that I’d never want another.

Maybe you’ve put idealism and hope and certainty into a ministry project that came up terribly short or, worse, failed spectacularly.  Maybe you’ve worked for years to be an agent of change within your church or movement only to hit roadblock after dream-crushing roadblock.

If any of this describes you, consider that all of our stories might be caught up in a bigger story.


REFLECT: Answer the poll below.

What has been your experience as a leader in adapting to changing contexts?

  1. I have been reluctant to acknowledge change
  2. I acknowledge change needs to happen, but I don’t know how
  3. My efforts to be an agent of change have been received positively
  4. I have tried to help implement change, but I have hit many roadblocks & am frustrated
Taken from The Light is Winning by Zach Hoag. Copyright © 2017 by Zach Hoag. Used by permission of Zondervan. 

More from this track:

Day One // Day Three

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