How Does Leadership Intersect With Your Church?
Jim Wagner
Training to be a leader in your church is an important task and it’s your responsibility to strive to be the most effective leader you can be. If you serve within your church, where does your leadership touch the activities and plans of your church? Let me ask it another way.
As a leader, how do your leadership skills translate into creating a healthy, growing and vibrant church community?
We’ve asked this question also and in reality, the answer is within the planning, execution and living out the mission of your church. The challenge is that many of the essential elements of planning, managing and operating the church aren’t taught in seminary. The skills needed by church staff and volunteers run the gamut from technology, staff development, finance, building planning, operations, finance and in so many more. Where do young and perhaps, not so young leaders in the church today find training development opportunities in the areas of day-to-day and in future planning for the church?
Over past 10 years, we have been supporting church leadership teams with critical education and training. WFX is a national conference and expo for church leaders seeking education, services and products to grow their ministry. I encourage you to visit and see if you identify your leaning needs in the sessions offered.
As leaders seeking to be Change-Makers we believe that you strive for your church to be healthy, innovative, forward thinking and kingdom centered. However to do so, church leaders need education and training in order to make this happen. While every church is uniquely created, there are common areas where Catalyst leaders who work in the church, may benefit from training development including:
- Building, planting or renovating your space - regardless of the type of building you use, it speaks volumes as to the type of church you are and how people relate to each other and to God. The process of thinking about and planning your space is vital to ministry health and engagement.
- We’re immersed in technology and media – it seems our culture has a lot to say, but as a leader are you communicating effectively to other staff and reaching others outside your service? We all need to know how to use these tools for kingdom building.
- Facilities management-often overlooked, but as a leader your facility is a major budgetary item which can enhance or hamper your ministry efforts if not managed effectively.
- Multisite churches-with nearly 8,500 multisite churches in America this fast-growing manifestation of church planting is being adopted by both large and small churches.
- Staff development- whether you are on a staff, volunteer for or manage volunteers the church moves forward in our effectiveness of working with and developing others.
- Tech and worship teams-we ask a lot of our teams to create environments where people can experience God but are we committed to the training development of their teams?
- Tech directors and worship leaders-are you being a lifelong learner? Are you nurturing your faith while serving? Are you effective in your role and to those that you lead?
We stand firmly on the belief that the Change that Catalyst leaders are seeking will yield eternal impact in the local church. I encourage you to pursue training for your role at this year’s WFX 2014.
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