How YOU Can Help With Hurricane Sandy Relief
We have so many friends of Catalyst that are jumping in & helping out post Hurricane Sandy. Check out these organizations doing amazing work & get involved TODAY.

The Red Cross is providing shelter, clothes, supplies, food and blood, as needed, for the victims of Sandy. You can donate blood, but in terms of items, you'll be doing more for those in need by donating money instead of physical goods. Text message: Text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
Describing itself as "a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families" and communities, World Vision provides flood clean-up kits, hygiene kits, blanket and food kits. Text message: Text the word GIVEUSA to 777444 to donate $10. Online: For World Vision's Hurricane Sandy relief, click here.
Help us help those hurt by #sandy! Text CONVOY to 50555 to give $10.
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