MAKE Monday Memorable

Catalyst ATL 2012 Prayer JOURNEY

It's 17 days until Catalyst Atlanta 2012. Today, we are asking that you join with our team in praying for these specific requests. 

Catalyst Team
• Health: physically, emotionally, & spiritually. 
• Wisdom in the messaging/program for the event.
• God's favor to rest on us for continued unity & teamwork & all logistical needs to fall in place as smooth as possible.
• Grace for the unpredictable moments (it's natural that these happen).
• Our amazing team of VOLUNTEERS!

• Financial provision & means for those still on the fence or unable to make the trip.
• Safety as they travel to & from Catalyst, esp international attendees. 
• Action items from the event, what will they DO when they go back to their communities. 
• That their hearts would be prepared & opened up for being challenged & impacted.
• Connections would happen among teams who attend, as well as connections with people who don't even know each other. 
• The power of 13,000 leaders gathering, a ripple effect of the Church at large. 
• Leaders in attendance would each meet with God in an amazing way, & see their role as a leader with greater clarity & in a rejuvenated way.

• Speakers: their preparation, content, & time shared on stage to be impacting, provoking, and inspiring.
• Artists, musicians & worship leaders: surrendered, open and graceful in leading us to the Father through worship in song or their performance.

• Clear weather all week during Catalyst, especially Thursday morning.

Collective Worship
• God would receive all the glory.
• Jesus would be lifted up.
• The Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of people to bring us closer to Him.
• His Church would be strengthened & UNITED.

Special Requests 
• That the continued movements of orphan care & adoption would be revealed to thousands of leaders at Catalyst. Adoptions are up significantly this year, & up very significantly among Christian leaders. We want to continue to see this orphan care/adoption movement explode & that we literally could solve this issue in the next 5-10 years in the US.
• Issues of poverty and how we can continue to rise up to answer the call.

Here is the fun part.

We want to be praying for you over these next two weeks.

We want you all as a community of leaders to be praying for each-other.

SO, our ask is that you share your prayers for the three days of October 3-5th.

All over the internet.

Share your prayers via:




Katelyn Graves attending from Fayetteville, AR on behalf of The Cobblestone Project.

Use the hashtag #catprayer. 

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