Outrageous // Day Two
What's the biggest problem with the American Dream? You have to be asleep.
All over the country, people are waking up. More than a house, a car, and 2.5 kids, what we truly yearn for is a life of possibility, potential, and adventure. We believe God is able to do more than we hope or imagine, but we're stuck living in the tension between our ordinary life and the extraordinary adventures that might be just around the corner.
This track comes from globe-trotting athlete, Aaron Tredway’s new book, Outrageous.
When you complete each daily assignment from the track on the Catalyst App, you will be entered in to win a copy of his book and an Outrageous sticker! There are 5 copies available!
Even in positions of leadership and influence, it’s not hard to lose the path of adventure. Aaron offers news of liberation from a life without purpose, calling us to pursue lives of unexpected opportunity amid our everyday circumstances.
Over the next few days, you will be challenged to wake up and embrace a faith that can move, shape, and propel you to love God and those you lead and interact with daily with greater significance.
You in?
DAY 2 – Children of the King
In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul says that God chose us to be adopted as his sons and daughters through Jesus.
So even though we might not look like, talk like, act like, or even feel like royalty, Jesus has invited us to become children of God—who is the King.
I’ve realized that although it doesn’t seem natural for me to think of myself as a son of a king, that’s the invitation God has to offer. We get to choose how we respond to the invitation and also what we do with this outrageous position we receive. The opportunities, possibilities, and even adventures that arise as a result of our identity in Jesus might extend beyond the ordinary.
But it makes sense.
We aren’t just children of a king—our Father is the King!
It might seem outrageous, but I want to awake to the identity that God has offered me so that I can leverage my position as a son of the king for all that God has created me to do.
Reflect: How does knowing your identity as the child of King impact your perception of your everyday life? Encourage the Catalyst community with your thoughts in the comments below!
Don't forget to check out the Catalyst App for more details on how to win a copy of the book, Outrageous.
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